Level 4 - Micro Enterprise Skills

Students interested in this workshop series will need to have completed Level 1 (Life Skills) and Level 2 (Computer Skills) before joining Level 3.

Our goal is set you up for Success - one step at a time…

All of our workshops are interactive with lots of practical tips, chances to practice the skills that we are learning, and opportunities to work both individually and as a part of a team.

Our courses are available for both mainstream and NDIS participants, and are suitable for students aged 16-26.

Course classes are strictly limited to 10 people to ensure quality of learning outcomes are achieved.

For NDIS Participants, this can be NDIS Funded. Please discuss this with you Plan Manager if Plan Managed.
Our courses are not government funded and they are not accredited.

  • Week 1

    Deciding what to make

  • Week 2

    Market research & business viability

  • Week 3

    Marketing strategy

  • Week 4

    Setting up social media

  • Week 5

    Creating products & making videos

  • Week 6

    Sales techniques